Semantic Network

( , ...)

Registration of a team and a key word...

List of key words ...

Example semantic networks...

Consultation hours schedule...

Instructional movies:

  • What is the semantic network?
  • The semantic Network assignment
  • Introduction to FrontPage
  • FrontPage2003...

    Microsoft Expression Web 4 (alternative of FrontPage2003 for Windows 11)...


    Essence of semantic network
    Technical requirements
    Delivery of the semantic network
    Criteria for marking
    Resources on Cybernetics


    Essence of semantic network

    Semantic Web is made of logically related concepts and terms and relationships between them. Semantics is the science, explaining the meaning behind abstract presented words and concepts. Semantic context is only one of the three aspects to be considered for any information. Others are communicating and quantitative measurement. All three form the information theory, conceived by Claude Shannon in the middle of the 20th century.
    Semantic relationship can be explained as follows: describe the meaning of a concept (or term). Inevitably, in the explanation you will use other terms. For example, to explain in detail "butterfly" you will have to use the term cocoon and so on. Semantic links are actually associations by meaning between words. For example, for the word cocoon closest association is a blanket and for blanket is bed or laziness, according to the author of the semantic web. Even if you start from the same word different people will build different semantic network. Psycholinguistics has established strict classification of possible associative connections. So 29 simple options are listed without counting the more complex combinations. In a semantic network you can use all these types of connections. According to cognitive sciences our brain works as a semantic network and therefore all knowledge of mankind should be organized so. Idea that Bertrand Russell offered in 1921

    The architecture of the Semantic Web has important requirements.

    1) It must not be just a hierarchical structure, in which a term connects to several others from a lower level, which connect to others and so on. There must be feedbacks for all terms.

    2) On the other hand semantic network should not consist of just one semantic cycle - i.e. every term with only one possible incoming and one outgoing connection.

    3) The easiest way is the construction of the Semantic Web to satisfy three conditions:

    Thus, according to graph theory you obtain a directed graph with countless cycles. More complex additions to a semantic network may include the introduction of explanatory signs of links between words and even different type connections.

    Merging multiple semantic networks leads to the notion of ontologies. This large network structures, including all concepts of a particular field of knowledge. Of course, the biggest semantic network is now worldwide network of hypertext sites on the Internet. A small example of semantic network is also this current instructions.


    Technical requirements:

    Your semantic network must contain between 20 and 25 keywords - terms from management (in the broad sense). The initial word must be specified upon registration of the team.
    Semantic Network must have a text part for each term (including hyperlinks to jump from page to page) and graphic part to illustrate the relationships between the terms. The graphic part should also work as hyperlinks for direct selection of desired for viewing word.

    All texts must be readable, as the authors of the Semantic network had in mind (be careful with code of pages).

    The semantic netwoek should be -contained movable product, which works locally (i.e. it is not uploaded on a website) and does not require internet connection to work.

    All links should work (internal links must be relative).

    Semantic Web should be able to run on ordinary computers (such as in room 5039 in UNWE) without the need to install anything extra (should be tested in advance).

    Golden Rules for Information hygiene (naming files within the website):

    1) without spaces, without Cyrillic (or other exotic alphabets) in the name of files;
    2) only lowercase letters in the name of files;
    3) the initial file is index.htm or index.html;
    4) all hyperlinks are relative.


    Delivery of the semantic network

    1) All technical requirements described above should be fullfilled in the prepared assignment.

    2) Archive ALL your files (including the subfolders) from your semantic network into a ZIP and name the archive as your team code (e.g. ""). Your file should be less than 500 MB, but have in mind that larger files would take longer to upload.

    3) You should deliver your solution no later than the set deadline on the following URL:

    4) Make sure that you fill in the form the names of all authors AND their fac. numbers. Whoever is NOT in the list (i.e. is "fired") does NOT earn any point for the assignment.

    5) In case of any issues, send us a message immediately, so that we figure out a solution.



    1. Registration. (Week 0)
    Registration of teams (3 or 4 students) and choice of initial keyword.

    Deadline for registration is announced in GRAFIK, Register here ...

    2. Concept of the Semantic Web. (Week 1)
    Selection of logically related keywords and making graphic diagram of connections among them.

    Deadline to upload graphical project is announced in GRAFIK, Upload the image here ...

    3. Website. (Week 1)
    First computer version of a working website for each keyword on a separate page and working semantic links between them.

    Deadline to upload some working website is announced in GRAFIK, Upload the archived files here ...

    4. First version semantic network. (Week 2)
    Full working version of the Semantic Web in one language - including appropriate definitions for each word and working connections matching the graphic scheme.

    Deadline to upload first draft version of the Semantic network is announced in GRAFIK, Upload the archived files here ...

    5. A second version of the Semantic Web. (Week 2 to week 3)
    Full working version of the semantic network in two languages, with all the necessary links between words and improved definitions.

    Deadline to upload some improved version of the Semantic network is announced in GRAFIK, Upload the archived files here ...

    6. Finalized semantic networks (week 3)
    Final shaping and "beautification" of semantic networks, adding technical features, graphics, videos and quotes. Testing of the finished networks in a computer room.

    Final deadline to upload the completed Semantic network is announced in GRAFIK, Upload the archived files here ...

     Complying with all midterm deadlines, so that the team progress is visible, gives you additional points.


    Criteria for marking:

    1. Technical (Formal) aspect (0 to 6 points)

    1.1. Met technical requirements
    1.2. Names of files
    1.3. Illustrating the scheme
    1.4. Structure and links and the site

    2. Semantic (Meaningful) aspect (0 to 6 points)

    2.1. Degree of transformation of the text
    2.2. Focus on management
    2.3. Style of the text

    3. Contributing to the learning process (from 0 to 6 points)

    3.1. Found new sources
    3.2. Training materials
    3.3. An interesting interpretation
    3.4. Bonuses

    4. Special bonuses (if necessary) for original technological solutions


    Resources on Cybernetics: - A semantic network - Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems - What is Cybernetics - ASC Glossary - Krippendorff's Dictionary - Hornung's Glossary - Cybernetics and Systems Theory - Principia CyberneticaWeb - dictionaries - Dictionary of Computing terms - Mathematical Programming Glossary - OneLook Dictionaries - R. Ashby, Introduction to Cybernetics - Principia Cybernetica Electronic Library - Links on Cybernetics and Systems



    Points so far: